Pray under the tent of God. There is healing in the wings of the Tallit. When the woman in the bible, who had haemorrhaged for 12 years touched the hem of Yeshua's (Jesus') garment she was healed of her issue of blood. That was the wings (tzitzit in Hebrew) of His Tallit,. Matthew 9: 20-21
Learning under the tent of God
Living under the tents of men
Christ lives and He will come again Praise His mighty nameAmen
About us
Testimony of Tony Crowe
One of seven children born in England to a Christian family I was taught the bible stories as a small child. That gave me the knowledge of God the creator of all things. For me it had no meaning or influence on how I lived my life. I lived for me and did what I wanted to do. With no direction for my life, I just kept heading for a place where I could never have imagined as a young man. Driving my life without a co-driver I became involved in a world of crime and violence. The life I was living gave me all the things I thought would make for a good life, money and cars with only one problem to deal with; avoiding the police. Criminal success came quickly, so did my crash out of the life I had chosen for myself. When I was 39 years old I had to leave the UK and go on the run from the police. For one year I hid-out on the small Island of Malta. I worked first on a pig farm before taking a Scuba Diving Instructor’s post in a local dive school on Gozo.
When Interpol arrested me leaving Malta for Sicily I knew I was in trouble. Two days later I was on a flight back to the UK. The next day I was in a prison cell waiting for 29 charges to be decided on by a judge and jury. It took two years before I was found guilty of one of the charges. Attempted murder was the one thing I was found guilty of. The other 28 charges came to nothing and were dropped. The only crime I didn’t commit got me a 12 year sentence in one of England’s maximum security prisons. I was held in a prison where only 10% of all prisoners are held. The most dangerous criminals. I was thought to be so dangerous it had to be made impossible to escape. I was at the bottom of the pit of life; a life that I had managed. Without any co-driver to tell me where the dangers were along the road of life. A life that now was over for the next 12 years. In that lonely cell with no windows to separate night from day; no contact with the real world; I dropped to my knees, cried out to the God of my childhood days of joy and happiness and said sorry. For my whole life I am sorry. For living for me, I am sorry. Please take my life and do what you want with it. I need you in my life. Show me the way to go from here. I am ready to do it your way Lord. My life I give back to you so you can guide my every step. Jesus come into my life now. I was still in that prison cell but now I wasn’t alone. The Holy Spirit was with me. Jesus was there. It was a dark place only because I was cupped in the hands of God the father. After 30 minutes the door opened to reveal two prison officers who told me I was moving onto a lower secure wing of the prison. In only 8 months I was moved on again to an even lower category prison. A journey that should have taken years only took months.
My new Christian life was moving quickly. Four years in prison made me bitter and angry towards the people that told lies at my trial. The anger was eating me up. When a new Chaplain came to work in the prison and told me I had to give it over to God, I told her I couldn’t let it go. I was holding onto it in my heart. I had a place for it that was out-of-bounds for God. But deep down I knew it had to go. I had no room for anger if I was to live a life for Jesus. One day, just like any other, I walked into the Chaplain’s office where I was now working as a cleaner. The light from a large window shone into the room leaving no shadows. Not even in the deepest corners. Rita, was lit from behind with light spilling over her making her glow in God’s glory. That moment my heart filled with the love of Jesus. Every part of my body overflowed with peace and I knew what Jesus meant when he said, ‘my peace I give you’.
The anger had gone and there was no hole where it once was. Rita and I fell in love at the end of my fifth year. She left the prison service and I moved along my long road to freedom. At the first request for early release I was refused. For those who won’t admit to their crime there is no early release. One year later my next review came up for consideration. I was still not guilty and still I said so when asked by the parole board. All the people involved told me I would be refused again. On the 26 of September 2004 after serving 7 years in prison I was told I was going home. But I didn’t have a home the mother of my son was now married and divorced to another man. My old life was a thing of the old me, who was now dead. Rita and I were married as soon as we could arrange it. After one year of reporting to my parole officer daily at first then weekly and finally monthly, I was free to live my new life in Christ without restrictions. I have the joy in my life God wants for all his children. Rita and I sold the family home and moved to Bulgaria where we now live and work for the glory of God.

Rita Nightingale Copyright 2014 ©
T +359 895 428 327
Rita Nightingale
Rita Nightingale gave her life to the Lord in a Bangkok prison where her life had come to a dead-end. Prison has no hold over anyone when the Lord God has his way. When God had given Rita the tools needed for the work she was about to undertake. Rita was released.
Traveling and speaking The Word of God, Rita told of the great things Jesus had done in her life. Freed For Life is the book that tells Rita's story up until her King's Pardon. Freed For Ever, is the book that tells of her life after her release. Speaking and traveling all over America through the ministry of Prison Fellowship. The anointed ministry that began with Chuck Colson, who had actually sent a lady into the Bangkok prison to meet with her long before her release. Rita was instrumental in the early days of Prison Fellowship England and Wales.
Rita went the length and breadth of the UK. Churches, lunches, coffee clubs, prisons, Including the troubled Irish prison The Maze with its religious differences. Anywhere that was willing to listen to the amazing testimony of what God can do in situations that seem hopeless.
Christians; take very seriously the command of Jesus. (I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me) The Sheep and the Goats. Mathew 25. v31-46. NIV
Encouraging Christians to volunteer for this God anointed ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. All the time giving the good news. Jesus paid the price for our sins. God loves us so much he sent his only begotten son to die for us all.
Tony and Rita came together in a prison. One as an inmate, one as a Chaplain.
We confess our trust in Jesus Christ, who paid to God the debt for all of our sins when he died on the cross in our place, who assures us that we belong to God, who watches over us at all times, and who has made us a part of his church so that with other Christians we can live all of life in thankful service to Him.